Increasing daily physical activity levels may help improve symptoms of dyspnea, fatigue, and quality of life for people living with lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM).
LAMFit is an innovative digital fitness program designed specifically for individuals with LAM to help them create a personalized program for increasing daily physical activity. After exercise preparticipation screening is completed by a medical provider, eligible individuals with LAM will be invited to enroll in LAMFit. LAMFit participants will use a fitness tracker, personalized activity goal setting, and reminder messaging to monitor and increase physical activity over two subsequent 12-week periods. Participants will also be invited to join in a private, online LAMFit community engagement forum with weekly discussion topics and peer support.
At the beginning of the program, participants will complete program training modules, a submaximal exercise test, and set activity goals. After 3 months in the program, a built-in self-assessment will allow participants to establish their next set of activity goals.